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9. Introduction to fluctuation analysis using measured signals in LHD plasma experiments *Online

Instructors Dr. Yuki Takemura, Prof. Kiyomasa Watanabe, and Dr. Yasuhiro Suzuki

In fusion plasmas, the instability (Magnetohydrodynamic instability, MHD instability) caused due to collective behavior of charged particles of the plasma occurs, leading to plasma collapse. In order to understand the characteristics of MHD instability, in addition to measuring the magnetic field caused by the plasma and the density and temperature, fluctuation analysis of those signals is performed. In this task, you will study the fluctuation analysis method with the goal of investigating the characteristics of MHD instability in LHD plasmas. Specifically, you will start with the most basic Fourier analysis, learn advanced analysis methods such as wavelet analysis, and implement analysis tools by programming.
This topic will be carried out though the online system, such as Zoom. The necessary conditions for attending this topic are that you have your own PC, and that you installed Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint, or Microsoft Office-compatible software to your computer.