As at other graduate schools, there are no quotas for recommending doctoral degree holders to companies or corporations. It is typical for PhD holders to search for their position themselves.
However, taking into account the severe conditions for job searches, we consider it necessary to strengthen support by offering advice from research supervisors. Based in an inter-university research institute, our department is fortunately endowed with opportunities to come into contact with various experts and companies nationwide. Please refer here to find the recent employment results.
[Finding employment at universities, colleges, or research organizations]
With personnel becoming more mobile, it has become common for research staff to be hired for a fixed term of several years. Consequently, most post-doctoral researchers apply for several full-time positions while advancing with their research achievements.
It must be noted that employment for researchers has become increasingly competitive. However, by taking full advantage of these world-advancing institutional resources, SOKENDAI students have important advantages to accomplish remarkable achievements which will certainly help them in gaining employment.
[Finding employment in companies or corporations]
Since our university has a relatively short history, its popularity among companies is not as high as traditional universities. However, graduate students are gaining a wider variety of employment by fully utilizing their unique research careers.
Typical companies have no set number of positions for hiring doctoral degree holders. Therefore, please note that job hunting activities must be undertaken by oneself.